Intent -
This school is committed to providing opportunities for children to develop their moral, spiritual, social, cultural and personal skills and understanding. Our Whitestone Welcomes Everyone work promotes our ethos that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity. Whitestone Infant School prepares children for life in modern Britain.
‘Personal, social and health education (PSHE) helps to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens.’ (Guidelines for PSHE) and Citizenship, Curriculum 2000)
‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.’
Excerpt from the foreword written by the secretary of State for Education-
(Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex education and Health Education 2019)
The policy below was developed after consultation with staff, governors, parents and Friends of the school. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions about our policy.