Curriculum intent:
Let’s explore this wonderful world together!
At Whitestone Infant School, through our high-quality education we seek to inspire a curiosity and fascination about their local area and the wider world around them as well as their place in it. The Geography curriculum enables pupils to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they need to be successful Geographers. We will respectfully share our own experiences of different countries, climates and cultures, whilst exploring and learning about new and exciting places in our world. We want our children to be proud of Whitestone Infant School and their local community. We hope promote and adopt an eco-friendly attitude and children who want to make their local area and the wider world around them a safe and better place. Children will be inspired to become mini adventurers who are ready and keen to explore this fascinating planet.
Our vision:
A high-quality Geography education should inspire a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
We teach the National Curriculum and the latest EYFS curriculum supported by a clear skills, knowledge and vocabulary progression. This ensures that skills, knowledge and vocabulary are built on year by year and are sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. The subject leader will oversee the coverage of skills of Geography across the school. She will monitor, evaluate and review the teaching and learning. In order to do this, learning walks, lesson observations, learning walks, book scrutiny, and pupil and staff voice will take place throughout the year. It’s important that children develop the skills of a Geographer by fully immersing themselves in all areas of the subject. The local area and school grounds are fully utilised to achieve desired outcomes with opportunities for learning outside the classroom. School trips and fieldwork are provided to give first hand experiences which enhance children’s understanding of their immediate environment and the world beyond their locality. By the time children move on from Whitestone Infant School, we aim for children to be able to confidently talk about their learning from past and current topics and become increasingly confident Geographers.